Tag Archives: skin

Camouflage – Make Up To Hide All Your Skin Imperfections

Cam*ou*flage (kam e-flaj) n. — Camouflage is defined in the dictionary as a means of disguising things completely, so they appear a natural part of the surroundings. This holds true for the advanced camouflage make-up available today that conceals major to minor skin imperfections, with precision, yet with a perfectly natural look. This new technology, offers the convenience of a cover-up formula that works for both face and body without setting powder. Application techniques have also become more patient friendly to accommodate the women and men who […]

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Vitiligo – What It Is And How to Treat It?

Vitiligo is a relatively uncommon skin disease, estimated to affect about one percent of the entire world popularity. The primary symptom of vitiligo is white patches of skin, which may grow to cover large parts of the body or even the entire body. This disease is most frustrating when it is on visible areas of skin, such as the face. The symptoms of vitiligo are caused by non-functioning melanocytes, which are the cells in your skin responsible for producing melanin, the primary pigment in your skin. When […]

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Vitiligo Treatment Options

Vitiligo is a skin condition affecting the body’s production of melanin in the skin, which causes white patches of skin on the body. There is no known cure for vitiligo, but the symptoms may be treated using various methods. One treatment for vitiligo involves photo therapy, or treatment using light. With this method, ultraviolet rays are used to stimulate the body’s melanocytes, which are the cells that produce melanin. Another treatment involves grafting healthy skin into the areas of skin affected by vitiligo. Hopefully, the melanocytes in […]

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Vitiligo in Some Cases

Vitiligo isn’t the most deadly thing that you can come down with, like other diseases though you don’t want to get it. Vitiligo is the loss of skin pigmentation in patches. This disease and several others are as a result of an auto-immune attack, which actually occurs by your own body’s immune system, specifically on skin melanocytes. Vitiligo most oftenly occurs late in adulthood. The early patches that will begin to appear on skin, may continue to grow, or may remain constant in size. Often times these […]

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Vitiligo – Beware of White Patches on Your Skin

Vitiligo (often called as leucoderma) is a disorder where the skin loses its color in patches of irregular shapes and sizes. This is a pigmentation disorder which means that melanocytes (the pigment-producing cells) in the skin get destroyed. This results in the development of white patches on the skin. The hairs which are growing in that area may lose their color and turn grey. The causes: The cause for vitiligo is not very clear, but doctors and researchers are beginning to believe that vitiligo resembles an autoimmune […]

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The Vitiligo Skin Condition Explained In Plain English

Vitiligo White patches on the skin, premature graying of the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard, and sometimes a loss of color inside the mouth, these are some of the distinct signs of vitiligo. Some people might mistake it as a disease brought about by too much sun exposure. While signs of this disease commonly appear in the sun-exposed areas of the body, the cause of vitiligo is generally unknown. Doctors and researchers have formulated several theories…. One would be that people develop antibodies (produced by the immune […]

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What You Need to Know About Vitiligo

Vitiligo is the name given to a condition that causes the loss of pigment on the skin, hair and in some cases eye colour. The lack of pigmentation causes white patches to appear and these can be of various shapes and sizes. Both male and females can develop this condition and of any race, although it is thought that one is more likely to develop Vitiligo if a parent or relative has the condition. Vitiligo is also more likely amongst those who suffer from an autoimmune condition […]

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