Leucoderma – White Spots and Patches

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Leucoderma is a rare skin disease characterized by white spots and patches. The white patch or spot is called as leucoderma and when it occurs without any preceding disease it is called Vitiligo. Leucoderma in literal term means white skin. This kind of condition is mistaken for another skin disease i.e. leprosy.

Under this skin condition, certain parts of the skin gradually lose color leaving behind white patches. This occurs due to loss of melanin, a dark pigment which gives color to skin. It may begin with a small patch but slowly and steadily spreads throughout the body. This is not a dangerous or contagious skin disease.

The actual cause is still unknown though numerous studies have been conducted on the subject. Some of the perceived causes are emotional stress, hereditary factors, worms, sunburns and physical illness. This skin condition can be aggravated due to diseases like hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, pernicious anemia and Addison’s disease.

  • Some tips to be kept in mind
  • Avoid stress and try to relax
  • Do not use hard soaps while bathing
  • Get a sun bath in the early hour for 20-30 minutes
  • Avoid cosmetics like cream, powder and other triggering agents.
  • Increase iron rich diet such has meat, liver, cereals, beans, lentils and green leafy vegetables.
  • Avoid citrus fruits, tamarind, fish, lobsters, crabs and prawns.
  • Sodium (salt) consumption should be completely stopped during the leucoderma treatment.
  • Home Remedies for Leucoderma

A home remedy with the help of Babchi and Tamarind seeds can be used for leucoderma. In 1:1 proportion steep these seeds in water for three to four days. Shell and dry them in shade. Make it into a paste and apply on the white patches. Drink water from a copper vessel which has been kept overnight. Ginger juice serves as a mild stimulant in increasing blood flow to the white patches. Poultice of ginger leaves applied over the patches also helps.

Eat curry made of Bathu. Apply Bathu juice over the patches or spots at least twice or thrice a day. Eat figs regularly for a month. Dry pomegranate leaves in shade and grind into fine powder. Sieve it and take 8 gms of it every morning and evening with fresh water.

Eat walnuts regularly to cure leucoderma. Make a dry mixture by grinding Neem leaves, flowers and fruits in equal quantity. Take 1 tsp of this powder daily with water. Combine 100 gms each of Alfalfa and cucumber juice. Have it in the morning and evening for few months. Mix Harad powder in garlic juice and apply it on the white spots. Drink butter milk, thought to be very useful for treating leucoderma.

Make black gram paste and apply it on the affected area for four months. This will be very fruitful in the fight against leucoderma. A remedy with the help of Basil is another method to deal with leucoderma. Wash and clean a basil plant along with its roots. Beat the plant and boil it in 1/2 liter water mixed with 1/2 liter oil. Once the water evaporates, mash and strain to get basil oil. Apply this oil on the white spots.

: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

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